PANDION PRINZZ – Bonn Bad Godesberg

In 2019, PANDION added a property in the Bad Godesberg district of Bonn to its portfolio. The property, which measures around 9,300 square metres, is located on the corner of Wielandstrasse, Mirbachstrasse and Kronprinzenstrasse. From May 2022 to December 2024, PANDION made the majority of the buildings available to the city of Bonn, which used the space temporarily to accommodate refugees from Ukraine. From 2025, the existing buildings are to be demolished in order to realise 119 high-quality condominiums designed by Cologne-based Römer Kögeler Partner Architekten under the name PANDION PRINZZ. These will be supplemented by 14 socially subsidised residential units.

Residential units





Römer Kögeler und Partner Architekten, Cologne