PANDION OFFICEHOME Ostkrz. Campus Pollux – Berlin Friedrichshain

The PANDION OFFICEHOME Ostkreuz Campus Pollux office and commercial project is being developed in a central location of Berlin-Friedrichshain between Mediaspree, Rummelsburger See and Ostkreuz. The property will be built at the corner of Bödikerstraße and Persiusstraße and is on the same property as the PANDION OFFICEHOME Ostkreuz Campus Zinc project. Both of these projects are the prelude to the new business location “Ostkreuz Campus”. The architectural concept for PANDION OFFICEHOME Ostkreuz Campus Pollux is the brainchild of the offices of kadawittfeldarchitektur. A modern, six-storey office block with a total of 44 office units is being planned. Its completion is scheduled for 2024.


Construction of a new office building


kadawittfeldarchitektur, Aachen


Early 2024